Biyernes, Enero 20, 2012

Filipino Gay Lingo ;)

The J Law - Replacing the first letter of a word with "J."
Jowa - Asawa (husband, boyfriend)
Jonta - Punta (to go to a place)
Jubis - Obese

The KY/ NY Law - Replacing the first letter with "Ky" or "Ny."
Kyota - Bata (Children)
Nyorts - A pair of shorts

The Name Game - Replacing a word with a name (usually that of a celebrity) that sounds like it.
Julie Yap-Daza - Huli (to get caught)
Gelli de Belen - Jealous
Carmi Martin - Karma
Tom Jones - Tomguts or gutom (hungry)

Plus - Adding an extra syllable, extra letters, or extra words to create a different word.
Crayola - Cry
Thunder Cats - Tanda (an old person; the slang is often called to an old gay man)
Pagoda Cold Wave Lotion - Pagod (tired)

The use of gay lingo was first used to avoid having other people hear what you are talking about, especially when it comes to sex. This is also a means of defying the cultural norms and creating an identity of their own.

Gay speak evolves really fast, with obsolete words and phrases being rewritten and replaced especially when non-gays learn what it means. Saying "Ano'ng happening" (What are your plans for tonight) would make you associated with the 1980s.

This language defines the Philippine gay culture, and it would probably stay that way for quite a while.


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